In accordance with the Affordable Care Act passed last year, the state of New York is seeking to create a new agency that will run a federally mandated health insurance exchange. The state has long sought to find a means of providing coverage to some 2.5 million of its uninsured residents. Despite years of effort, officials have never been able to bring that number down.
Many New Yorkers are hoping that the coming exchange will alleviate some of the difficulty in obtaining comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price, but still there are those left skeptical of the health care reform process.
The nature of politics is often construed as vague or murky. New York has certainly had its fair share of politicians befitting of that characterization, but there is hope that those currently in charge will be able to bring about much needed change to the state’s insurance industry. State legislators insist that the governing body of the exchange must operate in full transparency.
New York is one of the states receiving a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services for their apt progress toward establishing an exchange. The health care reform law states that exchanges must be in place by 2014 – a deadline New York has no worry of meeting.
The real issue is not whether the state will be able to establish the exchange, but whether they can run it well. The exchange stands to affect the lives of millions of residents. The slightest legislative missteps could prove disastrous for the insurance industry, but also for many that desperately need coverage.